Fire foam concentrate

Alcohol Resistance Aqueous Film Forming Foam (AR-AFFF) 3% 6%

Product details

Technical Data

Proportioning rate3%  6%
Appearancelight yellowish liquid
PH Value at 20℃6.0-9.5
Freezing point-5℃ (adjustable)
Surface tension(mN/m)≤25 mN/m
Foam Expansion at 20℃7x(1±20%)
25% Drainage Time at 20℃≥2.5 Min
Extinguishing Time≤3.0 min
25% Fire-Resistance Time ≥10.0 min
Shelf life10 years 
ApprovalEN1568 Part 3    CCS

LCF-AR-AFFF An alcohol resistant aqueous film forming foam concentrate (AFFF-AR) consisting of a blend of fluorocarbon-, hydrocarbon surfactants and polymers, various solvents and stabilisers. All AFFF-AR foam concentrates are formulated with 100% C6 Pure fluoro-surfactants and fluoro-polymers. On hydrocarbon fuels, AR-AFFF 3×6 utilises the unique film forming effect to cut off oxygen supply to the fire and the oleophobic properties of the foam enables a stable foam blanket to prevent reignition of the fire. With polar fuels, a polymeric membrane is formed that suppresses vapours and allows the foam blanket to survive on the water miscible fuel surface.




Class B fires of hydrocarbon and polar solvent fuel AR-AFFF foam concentrate are especially effective for extinguishing and securing flammable hydrocarbon and polar solvent fires.High risk facilities such as refineries,pharmaceutical plants,process areas often require AR AFFF foams.